Windows XP could lose updates to antivirus Security Essentials after April 2014

“Microsoft does not guarantee changes to our antimalware engine and signature after the end date of support XP April 8, 2014,” a Microsoft spokesperson told ZDNet blogger, Larry Seltzer, a word declaration later repeated word in an email Computerworld….Microsoft Security Essentials .

“Running antivirus in supporting the operating system is not an adequate solution to help protect against threats. Executing a well-protected solution begins with the use of modern software and hardware designed to help protect against the threat landscape today, “he said….Microsoft Security Essentials .

“In addition, Microsoft recommends best practices to protect your PC, such as:
1) the date antivirus running
2) application of regular security updates for all installed software, and
3) the use of modern software has advanced security technologies and support regular security updates. “

The comment about the “modern software” RSA Europe sound presentation last week at the latest Security Intelligence Report (SIR) of Microsoft, which drew attention to systems of higher infection rates malware Later versions of XP OS….Microsoft Security Essentials .

SIR showed that XP has detected a third more than the malware Windows 8, but was infected five times the rate, a gap that highlights their vulnerability. The message is very clear, as to Microsoft, XP is no longer considered safe by the highest standards of today.

The irony is small updates retires MSE, Microsoft OS will be less secure until users provide an alternative. Or is it just being a responsible supplier? For now, at least, XP users have plenty to choose other antivirus clients….Microsoft Security Essentials .

A little good news is that Google plans to continue supporting its Chrome browser 32-bit XP at least until April 2015.

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