What is a Vmware HA: vSphere High Availability

Restriction of downtime due to server failures or operating system

vSphere High Availability . Vmware HA provides virtual machines on the availability of apps most needed, regardless of the operating system and applications that run on it. It provides ordinary protection and economic tilt against hardware failures and malfunctions in the virtualized operating system environment. It allows :
control virtual machines and vSphere hosts to detect hardware failures and malfunctions of the client operating system ;
without human intervention to restart virtual machines on other hosts in the cluster vSphere server failure ;
reduce downtime of applications by automatically restarting virtual machines in case of detecting a malfunction of the operating system.

Technical details:

VMware HA provides the basis for a high availability environment by controlling virtual machines and hosts in the running . Proven Solution Vmware HA combines scalability , reliability and ease of use


Relationship of master / slave node: this new model of relations between nodes in a cluster replaces the primary and secondary nodes. The available actions are coordinated by a single master node communicates all activities and all states of vCenter Server. This eliminates a great deal of planning to design a high availability environment . Administrators no longer have to worry that the armies are primary nodes and where they are. This is particularly significant when deploying vSphere Vmware HA in a chassis blade cluster environments and under pressure.
Support for the creation of IPv6 networks :
allows IT teams who need space ” address ” more important to maximize your network infrastructure.

Simplified system implementation :
Quick and easy , such as the implementation of agents scheduled tasks running vSphere Vmware HA and HA configuration functionality .


In case of failure , the directors have other things to do than to ask if their high availability solutions work. Based on factual information supplied by its customers , VMware has introduced capabilities that allow you to rest entirely on Vmware HA:
No dependence à -vis external components:
It does not depend on DNS resolution . The risks of failure of an external component affect the operation of Vmware HA are reduced.

Multiple communication channels :

Vmware HA nodes in a cluster can communicate through the storage subsystem , as well as through the management network . The proliferation of communication channels increases redundancy and to better assess the integrity of a vSphere host and its virtual machines.

Rules affinity non- VM- VM:

It has been optimized to meet the non- affinity rules defined in VM -VM vSphere DRS , thus eliminating the use vMotion migrations after a failover.

Ease of use:

VMware HA enhanced interface allows users to quickly identify the role and position of each node in a cluster. Messages indicating error conditions are also more understandable and easy to apply. If , against all expectations , a problem with VMware HA occurs only take a single log file to find the solution , accelerating the resolution process .

from Blogger http://ss-info-tech.blogspot.com/2014/01/what-is-vmware-ha-vsphere-high.html

What is a VMware snapshot ?

A Vmware snapshot preserves the state and data of a virtual machine at a specific point in time.
The report includes the power state of the virtual machine (eg , on, off , suspension) .
The data include all the files that make up the virtual machine. This includes disks, memory and other devices, such as maps of virtual network interface .
A virtual machine provides several operations for creating and managing Vmware snapshots and chain plates . These operations allow you to create Vmware snapshots, reverting to a Vmware snapshot of the string, and delete Vmware snapshots. You can create Vmware snapshots extended trees.

Operation VMware Infrastructure 3 and vSphere 4.x, the Vmware snapshot of the virtual machine combines delete data consolidation and file deletion. This caused problems when the snapshot files are deleted from Snapshot Manager , but consolidation has failed. This left the virtual machine is still going on clichés , and the user may not realize until the database is full.

In vSphere 4.x, an alarm can be set to indicate whether a virtual machine is running in Vmware snapshot mode. For more information , see Configuring VMware vCenter Server to send alarms when virtual machines are running from Vmware snapshots ( 1018029 ) .

In vSphere 5.0 , improvements have been made to delete the Vmware snapshot . In vSphere 5.0 , you will be informed via the user interface if the part of the consolidation of an operation or RemoveSnapshot RemoveAll Vmware snapshots failed. A new option , consolidate, is available through the popup menu to restart the process of consolidation.

Creating a snapshot

When a snapshot is created , there are several options that can be specified :

Name : Used to identify the Vmware snapshot.
Description: Used to describe the Vmware snapshot.
Memory: If the <memory> flag is 1 or true , a discharge of the internal state of the virtual machine is included in the Vmware snapshot. Memory Vmware snapshots take longer to create .

Note: When a memory Vmware snapshot is taken , while the state of the virtual machine will be amazed. For more information, see Take a Vmware snapshot of the memory of the virtual machine that makes the virtual machine to an idle state when the memory is written to disk (1013163)

Rest: If <quiesce> flag is 1 or true , and the virtual machine is turned on when the picture is taken , VMware Tools is used to suspend the file system of the virtual machine. Queuing a file system is a process of bringing data to disk in a physical or virtual in an appropriate state for backup equipment. This process could include actions such as washing dirty operating system buffers cached to disk, or other application-specific top-level tasks.

Note: In standby mode indicates break or change the status of the processes running on a computer, especially those that could alter the information stored on the disk for a backup to ensure consistent and usable backup .
When a Vmware snapshot is created , consists of the following files:

<vm> – . vmdk and <vm> <number> – <number> delta.vmdk

A collection of files. Vmdk and – delta.vmdk for each virtual disk is connected to the virtual machine at the time of the Vmware snapshot. These files can be regarded as the child records, redo logs , or delta links. These records can be considered child rear discs disks for mothers of children. From the original disk array , each child is registering pointing to the current state of the virtual disk , one step at a time, with the original.

<number> Value may not be compatible with all discs in the same instant the child. File names are selected based on the availability of the file name .
If the virtual disk is larger than 2 TB in size, the log file is <vm> – <number> sesparse.vmdk format .

<vm> . VMSD

VMSD file. It is a database of information from the Vmware snapshot of the virtual machine and the main source of information for the Vmware snapshot manager . The file contains the line inputs that define the relationships between Vmware snapshots and disks in the child for each shot.

<vm> Vmware snapshot . the vmsn

Vmsn file. Includes state of the virtual machine. Capture the memory status of the VM allows you to return to an activated state of the virtual machine. Images out of memory , you can not return to a state of the virtual machine off . Memory Vmware snapshots take longer to create Vmware snapshots of memory.
The above files are placed in the working directory by default in ESX / ESX 3.x and 4.x. This behavior can be changed if desired. For more information about creating Vmware snapshots in another directory, see Creating Vmware snapshots in a different location than the default directory of the virtual machine ( 1002929 ) .
In ESXi 5.x and later fire descriptor VMDK delta files are stored in the same location as the virtual disks ( which may be in a different directory to the working directory ) . To change this behavior , see Changing the Vmware snapshot file location delta virtual machines on ESXi 5.0 ( 2007563 ) .

Products you can use the snapshot feature ?

Besides being able to use the manager to create instant snapshots , snapshots are used by many VMware and third-party products and features. Some VMware products are widely used clichés :

VMware Data Recovery
VMware Lab Manager
VMware vCenter and VMware Infrastructure Client ( Snapshot Manager , Storage vMotion )
Note: This list is not exhaustive .

How do snapshots work ?

Our API allows VMware VMware and third-party products to perform operations with virtual machines and their clichés. This is a list of the most common operations can be performed on virtual machines and snapshots using our API:

CreateSnapshot : Create a new snapshot of a virtual machine. As a side effect , this day of the current snapshot .
RemoveSnapshot : Instantly removes and eliminates all the associated storage.
RemoveAllSnapshots : Remove all snapshots associated with a virtual machine. If a virtual machine does not have any pictures , then this operation returns only success.
RevertToSnapshot : Changes the status of the implementation of a virtual state in this machine cliché. This is equivalent to the Go to the Snapshot Manager use the vSphere Client GUI / VI.
Consolidate: Merges the hierarchy of log files. It is available in vSphere 5.0 and above .
It is a high-level overview of how to create, delete or instant requests are processed in the VMware environment :

An application to create , delete, or restore a snapshot of a virtual machine is sent from the client to the server using the VMware API .
The request is transmitted to the host VMware ESX hosting the virtual machine in question .

Note: This only happens if the initial request was sent to a different server as vCenter that manages the ESX server.

If the flash memory option is included, the ESX host writes the memory disk of the virtual machine .

Note: The virtual machine is removed along the length of time the memory is being written . The length of time the stun can be pre – calculate , based on the performance of the disc and the amount of memory being written and . Having 4.x ESX / ESXi and subsequently reduced stun time when memory is written Bs . For more information, see Take a snapshot of the virtual machine memory stuns the virtual machine while the memory is written to disk ( 1013163 ) .

If the snapshot includes the option to put to rest , the ESX host asks the client to pause disk through VMware Tools OS .

Note : Depending on the guest operating system, quiet operation can be done by the driver module synchronization vmsync or Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy Service ( VSS) . For more information on quiescing , see Troubleshooting Volume Shadow Copy (VSS issues ) related development Leisure ( 1007696 ) to VSS or a virtual machine can freeze in charge when snapshots are taken at idle or use custom quiescing scripts (5962168) for the SYNC driver.

The ESX host makes appropriate a snapshot of the database ( . VMSD Archive) virtual machine and the changes are reflected in the snapshot of the virtual machine manager changes.

Note: When you delete a snapshot, the snapshot feature is removed in the snapshot administrator before making changes to the disks of the child. The manager instant snapshot contains entries while the virtual machine is still running from the disk of the child. For more information , see Committing snapshots when there are no entrance snapshots in Snapshot Manager ( 1002310 ) .

The ESX host requires similar to the functions of the Virtual Disk API to make changes to child disks ( VMDK files . – Delta.vmdk y) function and the transmission chain .

Note : When removing the snapshot, if the disks of children is large, it may take some time. This can cause an error message timeout is VirtualCenter or VMware Infrastructure Client . For more information about error messages timeout , see the uptime of vCenter with the error: Operation failed since another task is in progress ( 1004790 ) .
The record of the child

The record of the girl , which is created by a snapshot, a low density disk . Scattered disks use the (GC ) copy on write mechanism , in which the virtual disk contains no data points , to copy writing. This optimization saves storage space. The grain is the unit of measure in which the low density disk uses the copy -on-write mechanism . Each grain is a block of sectors containing data virtual disks . The default size is 128 sectors or 64KB .

Note: The low density disk is usually created as a type VMFSSPARSE . Since vSphere 5.5, for any 2TB vmdk or more disk density is low class SESPARSE .
Music for children and disk usage

Importantly, these points concerning the use of disk space of the child:

If a virtual machine is running a snapshot , make changes to a child or the scattered disk . Write operations do more on this album, the more it grows .
The disk space requirements are for kids , besides the main disk on which it depends . If a virtual machine has a 10 GB hard drive with a child, the space used will be 10 + GB disk size of the child.
Records of children have been known to grow large enough to fill an entire database .
The speed at which the discs child develops depends directly on the amount of I / S is performed for the disk.
The child disk size has a direct impact on the amount of time it takes to delete the snapshot associated with the disk of the child.
These sections of the knowledge base are themed discs children and disk usage :

No more room for error log when you try to start a virtual machine (1002103)
Why snapshot removal can stop a virtual machine long (1002836)
Troubleshooting a datastore or VMFS volume that is full or near capacity (1003412)
Chain drive

In general, when a snapshot for the first time , the first record of the child is created from the master disk is created . Successive snapshots generate new child records from the last disc of the Child on the chain. The relationship may change if you have multiple branches of the chain of the snapshot.

This diagram is an example of a shot string. Each box represents a data block or grain , as described above:

Warning: manually manipulate individual records of the child or any of the configuration files may jeopardize the instantaneous transmission chain. VMware recommends that you do not manually change the disc channel because it can cause data loss . For more information, see the snapshot consolidation ( 1,007,849 ) .

additional information
To determine if a virtual machine running on snapshots, see Determining if a virtual machine using snapshots ( 1004343 ) .

There are specific to host a Microsoft Active Directory in a virtual environment considerations. For a complete list of considerations , see article 888794 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base .

Note: The above link is valid from August 1, 2012 . If you find the link is broken, the comments on the article and a VMware employee will update the article if necessary.

Factor in time sensitive applications may be affected by a return to a previous snapshot . Instant reverse Returning virtual machine at the time the snapshot was created . This includes all service operations or the application time – sensitive in the guest operating system.

Reverting to a snapshot of virtual machines, all settings return guests for instant operating system. The configuration that is returned includes but is not limited to, IP addresses, DNS names above , versions of UUID of the guest operating system patches , etc.
A snapshot operation can not be performed in a virtual machine using third party software iSCSI initiators and running on VMware Infrastructure 3 . You can take a snapshot on a vSphere environment , but requires additional steps . For more information , see Using a software initiator Microsoft or 3rd party iSCSI in a VMware environment ( 1010547 ) or Running an iSCSI initiator in the third section of the virtual machine :

VMware Infrastructure 3 : Design and deployment of SAN systems
VMware vSphere 4: Design and deployment of SAN systems

Changes have occurred in the manufacturing of instant Remove patch releases for ESX / ESXi 3.5 and 4.0. For more information, see :

VMware ESX 3.5 , Patch ESX350 – 201006401 -SG : Updates VMkernel , VMware Tools , hostd , VMX , VMNIX ( 1022899 )
VMware ESXi 3.5 , Patch ESXe350 – 201006401 -I- SG : Firmware Update ( 1020052 )
VMware ESX 4.0 , Patch ESX400 – 201006201 -UG : Updates CIM 4.0 Main Components and VMware ESX ( 1017721 )
VMware ESXi 4.0 , Patch ESXi400 – 201006201 -UG : Updates Firmware ( 1017739 )

For earlier versions of VMware ESX 4.0 Update – 2, the task of consolidating all snapshots (Delete all Snapshots tasks ) caused only changes stored on the second disk snapshot delta chain copy the snapshot and the first snapshot , or his “father.” This effect is recursive for each previous main file.

Example : You have a basic disk size of 8 GB and 2 levels of blocks, each of 4 GB each. A Delete All snapshot tasks , the first delta file can worsen stage flash drive , 8GB, like all new blocks are written to the second screen . Any common modification stored in two levels of snapshots requires no additional space.

From day 2 onwards ESX4.0 , the snapshot mechanism has changed. VMware ESX now includes improved consolidation procedures that reduce the demand for space . You are able to consolidate virtual machines delta disk even though the minimum free space in your database is available.

from Blogger http://ss-info-tech.blogspot.com/2014/01/what-is-vmware-snapshot.html

Oracle 11g And How it Can Help Your Business

If you are new to information and data management , you may ask what is Oracle ? Oracle is a database management system developed by Oracle Corporation. Oracle is a relational database object database that enables a connection between relational databases and object-oriented databases. Management system Oracle database is widely used in many large companies around the world to treat and manage business information and data .

Oracle 11g is one of the latest versions of Oracle offers . Oracle 11g allows potential users in four different editions depending on the technical requirements of the user. The Enterprise Edition provides solutions that are at par with industry. It also provides security , reliability and the option to use the server or group based on the size of your business. The Enterprise Edition is ideal for medium and large companies that process large numbers of transactions each day.

Oracle Database 11g Standard Edition is affordable for small and medium enterprises and has an extensive database depending on your server. This edition allows businesses to buy what they need , and make the appropriate modules as your business grows . Standard Edition One is a simplified version of the standard edition and two implementations of socket (instead of four for the standard edition ) .

If you own a small or medium size and want to try Oracle Database 11g Express Edition is a free version of the database that allows you to develop and use in your business. The Express edition is suitable for training and education, but also to lay the groundwork for the development of an Oracle database system more complex . When you think it is time that you update the system , Oracle Database 11g can be easily migrated to more advanced problems without extensive data migration .

Oracle is the market leader in database management systems and have a variety of functions and applications to improve efficiency and effectiveness of data management and security of private and confidential company information . As data protection and security systems, Oracle database 11g come with proxy authentication , data encryption tools , backup, recovery plans and precautions to fail among other applications. Scalability, the software is still able to operate at peak levels means increased workload with integrated and automated management of workload clusterware . As for management , the application of business management and automatic storage management allows staff to easily organize and store the data in the system.

Compared to other management systems databases, Oracle 11g Client software is relatively easy to administer and easy to use . Oracle Database 11g also works on different operating systems. Before making any thepurchase database management system , it would be recommended that you get a computer consultant to review the type and size of your business operations and offer the right solutions for you . This is to ensure that reduce costs and maximize efficiency in the use of management software based on reliable and appropriate data.

Oracle offers the industry-leading security , scalability , reliability and performance . Oracle Database 11g provides the sample characteristics to easily manage Oracle Database, Oracle easily manage transaction processing , applications, content management and business intelligence.

Trick to Install Oracle Express Edition 11g on Windows 7 64 bit

Oracle 11g And How it Can Help Your Business

Oracle 11g, Oracle, Oracle Express

from 1bestoftechnologies http://1bestoftechnologies.blogspot.com/2013/12/oracle-11g-and-how-it-can-help-your.html

Exchange 2013 Data Loss Prevention (Part 3)

In this third and last part of the article, we will explore Policy Tips, test these policies and look at all the information that DLP logs.

So far in this article series we have seen what the purpose of the new Data Loss Prevention feature of Exchange 2013 Preview is, how it works and how to create DLP Policies using both the Exchange Administration Center and the Exchange Management Shell Exchange.

Policy Tips

In the first part of this article, we saw that we can notify a sender if he/she is about the send information that violates a DLP Policy. But how is the sender notified? By including a Policy Tip notification message!
These Policy Tips are similar to the MailTips introduced in Exchange 2010 as they display a notification message to Outlook users when they are composing an e-mail. Obviously they only show up if Exchange detects something in the e-mail that violates a DLP Policy currently in place and if this policy has a rule to notify the sender.
A great thing about Data Loss Prevention [DLP] and Policy Tips is that Exchange will automatically look into a message’s subject, body and even attachments when evaluating conditions within policies. This means that if a user is writing an e-mail with a perfectly normal body text but attaches an Excel document with credit card details, then a Policy Tip notification that you create will be shown to the sender in Outlook reminding him/her of the policy against such action.
The benefit of Policy Tips is that if a user writing an e-mail is made aware in real-time that he/she might be violating a corporate policy, then he/she is less likely to violate it.
Now let’s test a few DLP Policies and look how these Policy Tips look like.

Testing DLP Policies

Let’s send a couple of e-mails to test these policies – remember that at this time both policies are set to Enforcementmode as we recreated the first policy (which was in Audit mode) in PowerShell and set it to this Enforce.
Let’s start by writing an e-mail with a credit card number attached:

Figure 3.1: Writing E-mail with Confidential Data
Note that while I am writing the e-mail a Policy Tip came up stating that the e-mail contains sensitive content! Even though the body of the e-mail doesn’t contain anything confidential, the attached file contains a credit card number which Outlook highlights straight away!
The interesting part is that these rules are smart enough to detect “valid” credit card numbers. If you simply type a random 16 digit number it will not flag it as being a credit card number! Also, no matter if you put spaces or not in-between each 4-digit set of numbers, Exchange will still detect it.
Because this e-mail only contains 1 credit card number, the existing policy will allow the e-mail to go through. Instead of including more credit card numbers in the e-mail (more than 9 as we saw in the first part of the article) I simply updated the High Count rule of this policy to match 1 or more credit card numbers and send the e-mail again. As expected, it gets blocked:

Figure 3.2:
 Blocked E-mail – Message Tracking Logs
Note the FAIL EventID, a report being sent to the DLP mailbox and the RecipientStatus saying why the message was rejected.
As I mentioned in the first part of this article, DLP information also gets written into the Message Tracking Logs (more than what I showed in Figure 3.2 above). These logs contain data from the Agents involved in processing mail flow content. For DLP, the Transport Rule Agent [TRA] is used to scan message content and apply the policies defined as part of the Exchange Transport Rules [ETRs]. The existing AgentInfo Event is used to add DLP related entries in the Message Tracking Log. If we look deeper into the logs of Figure 3.2, we can see this data:

Figure 3.3:
 Incident Data Logging
In the above screenshot, by the number of ruleId fields in EventData we can see the agent processed the e-mail against 2 rules. These fields are as follows:
  • The TRA (Transport Rule Agent) is ETRP (Exchange Transport Rule Performance)
  • The ruleId is 26eb1f73-da84-4cef-8d35-cc75805f2876 – you can check what rule this is by running the cmdletGet-TransportRules | ? {$_.GUID –eq “26eb1f73-da84-4cef-8d35-cc75805f2876” which in this case is theBlock Passport Numbers rule we created and which didn’t match anything
  • The execW (Execute Wall Clock) is 252ms
  • The exec (Execute CPU Clock) is 0ms
  • The TRA (Transport Rule Agent) is ETRP (Exchange Transport Rule Performance)
  • The ruleId is 2bdbddc1-7000-49b8-b941-b6fcca58699d – in this case is the Financial Data (U.S.): Monitor Data Sent To Outside High Count rule as we expected
  • The execW (Execute Wall Clock) is 199ms
  • The exec (Execute CPU Clock) is 15ms
  • The TRA (Transport Rule Agent) is DC (Data Classification)
  • The dcid (ID of the Data Classification) is 50842eb7-edc8-4019-85dd-5a5c1f2bb085
  • The count (Count of the Data Classification) is 1 as only one credit card number was found
  • The conf (Confidence level of the Data Classification) is 85%
Looking into the DLP Incident mailbox, we can see the report for this e-mail, including the text of the attached file! This report also includes similar information as the one seen in AgentInfo previously:

Figure 3.4:
 Incident Report
Note that the severity was set to High; it wasn’t an override; a Credit Card Number was detected with a count of 1 and a confidence level of 85%; the triggered rule was Financial Data (U.S.): Monitor Data Sent To Outside High Count; theReport ID Match shows the credit card number found and in Context we have the entire content of the text file.
Also, me as the sender received the following Non-Delivery Report [NDR] message:

Figure 3.5:
 Non-Delivery Report Message sent to Sender
However, nor the Policy Tip nor this NDR say how to override the policy as they should… It seems that this part is not 100% finished yet or perhaps I missed something…
Finally, let’s test an override. This time, let’s send the same e-mail message but with the word “override” in the subject (as this is the default override method, which obviously can be changed). As expected, the e-mail is allowed to go through but a report is still sent to the DLP Incident mailbox as configured in the Allow Override rule:

Figure 3.6:
 Allowed E-mail – Message Tracking Logs
Looking at the header of the received e-mail, we can see that the X-Ms-Exchange-Organization-Dlp-SenderOverrideJustification field was set to TransportRule override even though the same Financial Data (U.S.): Monitor Data Sent To Outside High Count rule was triggered:

Figure 3.7:
 Message Headers

Exchange 2013 Data Loss Prevention (Part 3)

Exchange 2013, Data Loss Prevention, Policy Tips, (Part 3)

from 1bestoftechnologies http://1bestoftechnologies.blogspot.com/2013/12/exchange-2013-data-loss-prevention-part.html

How to Install Wireless Security Cameras

Wireless security cameras are a popular choice for many users because of their simple and rapid deployment. These cameras offer convenience when the placement of wires or cables for connection to camera equipment would be difficult or even impossible. Some wireless security cameras use batteries, allowing them to remain totally independent of power outlet cables as well. They are also portable and a good option for temporary use since they can be moved from location to location very easily.
Even though wireless security cameras are typically easy to install, they are available in several different choices for connectivity – which can make a huge difference in installation, image quality and overall performance. The classic wireless camera system broadcasts the radio signal over the air to a receiver, which is tuned to the same frequency as the cameras, just like in old analogue broadcast TV. The main downside of this type of signal transmission is that it’s prone to interference problems, which often cause the video to become distorted or break up completely. The signal can also be intercepted by anyone with a baby monitor or wireless scanner, making it vulnerable to prying eyes. In addition, it can be quite difficult to install multiple wireless cameras within this system as they usually experience cross-talk with each other.
While “analogue wireless” cameras are still being utilized in surveillance systems found in many households and businesses today, more advanced, digitally-paired wireless systems that address the above-mentioned issues have been developed. These systems modulate the video signal into a digital bit stream, which is then transmitted as data between the cameras and the receiver, the same way modern digital broadcast TV works. This produces a secured connection between the wireless cameras and the base station, making it virtually impossible to eavesdrop. The buffered, digital signal also prevents signal loss, which causes distortion or noise, and greatly improves image quality. Wireless IP cameras are the latest development in CCTV surveillance. In an IP-based wireless system, each camera outputs a data stream, rather than a video signal. The cameras use Wifi to connect to the wireless network and software to manage the cameras. Wireless IP cameras provide the highest quality video performance.
Installing Wireless Security Cameras
Wireless camera systems are typically uncomplicated, so you can install the equipment on your own. While the camera installation process may vary slightly according to the model, the basic installation procedure for wireless cameras is the same.
1) Decide which part of the house to install your wireless video camera in. Most wireless security cameras can be installed indoors or outdoors. But outdoor wireless cameras are specifically designed with a wider viewing angle to help monitor large outdoor areas. They also come with night vision and a tough, weather-resistant protective housing.
Mount your cameras near entryways so you can record anyone entering the house or exiting. It’s also recommended that you install cameras directly above your valuables so you can monitor them at all times. Other ideal locations include: around the perimeter of your property and areas where they can be seen by anyone inside the property to deter potential intruders. Make sure there’s no obstruction between the camera and the receiver if you’re installing an analogue wireless system.
2) Identify the most appropriate angle for the cameras. Ensure the camera allows you to keep watch over the largest area possible.
3) Bolt the camera mounting plane onto the wall. This will typically require you to get a power drill, bolts, screw, and mounting brackets. Most surveillance cameras come with the required hardware. Check the manual for specific manufacturer instructions regarding the installation of your particular model.
Hold the camera’s mounting bracket into place using one hand, and then use the other to mark the screw holes with a pencil. If the screws need to be in a stud, get a stud finder from a local store so you can find an appropriate place for mounting. But if the camera doesn’t have to be screwed into a stud, you can hold the camera’s mounting bracket into place using a drywall anchor bolt.
4) Place the wireless video camera on the mounting plane.
5) Plug the video camera into the power outlet or insert the batteries.
6) Follow manufacturer instructions to synchronize the video camera to your receiver.
For more information on wireless security cameras visit http://www.security-cameras-one.com/ where you can discover, review and even contribute on wireless security cameras and security systems.

How to Install Wireless Security Cameras

Security, Wireless, Cameras

from 1bestoftechnologies http://1bestoftechnologies.blogspot.com/2013/12/how-to-install-wireless-security-cameras.html

A Hiring IT Managers View on Industry Certifications

IT Managers are often faced with the task of deciding who to interview when trying to fill their open positions. Interview skills will get you far but you still have to get face-to-face first to use these skills. Your resume needs to shine… you need to shine.
Assuming a candidate has the right amount of experience for the position, education is assessed. Education, and particularly certifications, show a desire and capacity to learn and is one of the best ways to shine and give yourself an additional edge.
Certifications can generally be completed in a fairly short period of time and require minimal financial investment when using a self-study approach. Many entry-level certifications can be studied for in just a few weeks and require passing a single test. Higher end certifications, may take months to prepare for a single large test or consist of multiple tests taken over a period of time.
Now to answer the question “What certifications are IT managers looking for?” Much of the answer depends on the position, but there are many industry certifications that a candidate can use to set themselves apart.
  • Comptia A+ – The Computing Technology Industry Association’s A+ Certification is an entry-level credential for those who are interested in an IT support position. It tests the skills and knowledge used for the job of installing, maintaining, securing and troubleshooting IT systems. To get the A+ certification you need to pass two exams.
  • ITIL v3 Foundations – The Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITILv3) is a process that focuses on IT Service Management. The ITIL Foundations is first level certification which tests a candidate on the use of documented and proven processes that cover the entire ITIL defined Service Lifecycle. To get the ITILv3 Foundations certification you need to pass one exam.
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) – Microsoft’s MCSA certification tests expertise and knowledge in a specific platform. A certification can be earned on a Windows Server, desktop, or SQL Server platforms. To get a MCSA Certification you will need to pass 3 exams.
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) – Microsoft’s MCSE certification is a revamp of their previously retired Systems Engineer certification. This certification tests an advanced knowledge of Microsoft Technologies. A MSCE can be earned on Server Infrastructure, Desktop Infrastructure, Private Cloud, Messaging, Communication, and SharePoint. To get a MCSE certification you will need to pass five tests, a candidate can often earn the MCSA certification after the first three tests.
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) – The Project Management Institute’s PMP credential is recognized as the gold standard certification for project managers worldwide. A Project Management Professional certification shows that you have not only the experience but also the education to successfully lead and direct projects. With a formal education and experience requirement, the PMP does have the most rigorous qualifications in this list. Once the experience and education requirements are met, it can be earned by passing a single test. This certification does have continuing education requirements to maintain the credential.
Depending on the equipment used, other vendor specific certifications may have value for a potential employer. These can include Cisco, VMware, EMC, or any other vendor that has a certification program. These certifications come into view as you gain experience and you establish a certification path for your career.
Jeff Story is the Document Services IT Manager for a banking services company and holds multiple industry certifications including the CISSP and PMP. He is also a proponent for technology, leadership, and company culture.
For more information from an IT Managers perspective visit http://www.iderware.com

A Hiring IT Managers View on Industry Certifications


from 1bestoftechnologies http://1bestoftechnologies.blogspot.com/2013/12/a-hiring-it-managers-view-on-industry.html

NAS Storage Systems Failures

The concerns about NAS storage systems failures may not be difficult to overlook. Most of the NAS devices and most of the inexpensive models are not efficient enough to provide early warning systems regarding the failures that may occur. The RAID reporting types for most types of NAS models are typically unavailable. Therefore, it may be difficult for you to check out the current condition of your system hard drives.
Implications of System Failures
This is the reason that most of the NAS storage systems failures suddenly happen. In case your NAS equipment breaks down in the middle of an operation, you may end up having no way to extract your data. This can also help you truly avoid the temptation of rebuilding files. A notable downside is the fact that the function can mess up the remaining file components. Thus, this can provide you with a functional but empty storage system.
Data Recovery
If you want to reverse the effects of NAS storage systems failures, you may resort to data recovery from a failed NAS storage using SoftAmbulance. You have to isolate the concern by taking in the hard drives from the enclosure and connecting them to your personal computer directly. You can do this through the recommended cable. For this task, you will need the power cable and a SATA connector. This especially works for the enclosures for the single hard disks.
Counteracting the System Failure
On the other hand, if you want to recover the RAID arrays from the original portion of the RAID controller, you should obtain a highly specialized tool that can help you counteract the NAS storage systems failures. As for the mirrored storage system, you can pull out the hard disk from the main system and execute a type of data recovery tool so you can recover the rest of the files. Interestingly, the networks that produced the systems have offered external storage means as an additional service to fix the problems in case everything gets out of control.
These are just some of the things that you can do so you can readily counteract the effects of failures through NAS data recovery. You are advised to seek assistance from the experts in the field in case you properly followed through all of the steps to perform the operations and still end up with negative results for your entire hard disk system. They can help you make the most out of your NAS recovery software.

NAS Storage Systems Failures

Storage, Netapp

from 1bestoftechnologies http://1bestoftechnologies.blogspot.com/2013/12/nas-storage-systems-failures.html

NetApp and Metered Storage – How to Cut Storage Costs by Only Paying for What You Use

There’s no way round it: you have to store your data. What’s more, you have to do so securely and in a way you can retrieve it easily. And you need to do this for as reasonable a price as possible.
If you use traditional methods of data storage, you’ll know the problems:
  • High running costs
  • A lot of time spent on management and admin
  • Significant expense when you require extra storage capacity
Traditional data storage isn’t cheap or easy
Operating your own storage hardware isn’t cheap or easy. You have to budget well in advance for potential capital expenditure.
You also have to predict the growth of your data. This can be tricky. If your expansion is greater than you forecast, you have to spend time organising additional storage hardware at short notice. What you should be doing instead, of course, is focusing on your new customers.
Metered storage is the answer
NetApp metered storage resolves these problems. Rather than struggle with in-house hardware, you can use a data storage service based on a pay per GB (gigabyte) meter. You lease storage as and when you need it.
When you choose a NetApp data storage solution, you benefit from:
· A price per GB of data
· Monthly billing for the storage you use above your committed amount
· Extra storage when you want it
· Built-in upgrades
Metered storage set-up
Set-up is simple. Because you lease your data storage, you don’t have the headache of buying and installing hardware. Support, software subscriptions and installation are included in your monthly bill.
The switch to NetApp metered storage is straightforward. Once you make the move, you have a flexible leasing solution ready to adapt to increased demand. You no longer have to plan your data storage needs in advance. You don’t have to invest capital in storage hardware.
With NetApp data storage, you eliminate risk
NetApp data storage is secure. Thanks to NetApp Snapshot, you can have instant backup copies. This service has a negligible effect on storage costs and performance.
NetApp also gives you peace of mind with SnapMirror. You can protect against disaster with rapid, simple data recovery for systems in multiple locations.
NetApp metered storage cuts costs
NetApp metered data storage cuts costs by allowing you to pay for what you use and no more. It reduces your redundant data with a 50% deduplication guarantee for VMWare. This reduces storage costs even further. And it offers complete security.
NetApp is well worth your consideration. In the meantime, you could be wasting time and money…
Steve Denby is Sales Director at LETN Ltd. Based in Reading, Berkshire, UK, LETN design and implement cost efficient infrastructure solutions using Leading Edge Technology.
Steve Denby passionately believes that the path to true business efficiency and competitive edge lies in the adoption of Leading Edge Technology.

NetApp and Metered Storage – How to Cut Storage Costs by Only Paying for What You Use

Storage, Netapp

from 1bestoftechnologies http://1bestoftechnologies.blogspot.com/2013/12/netapp-and-metered-storage-how-to-cut.html

How to Install Windows 7

Now let’s take a look on how you can go ahead and reinstall Windows 7 on your computer  ( or )  how to install Windows 7 on your computer.
First  ensure that you back up all your data before beginning the reinstallation.
Reason being simple  when we are going to install Windows, Windows will erase all the data on the computer and reinstall a fresh copy.
First  insert the Windows disk that you have got into the computer.
Now restart your computer and then tap f12 on the keyboard to get to the boot menu there choose boot device to cd/dvd or cd rom or dvd rom and then tap enter continuously until you see an option which says Windows is loading files.
By any chance if you are not able to go to the boot menu then tap f2 when the machine turns on.
It will take you to the bios there go to the boot section and then change the boot order prioriy to cd/dvd rom and then restart your system then it will attempt to boot from the disk.
Now  once the machine is booting from the disk as I told you you will see a message stating that Windows is loading files.
Wait until Windows loads all the files.
Once it loads all the files you will get a Window where it will ask you to select the language choose the language in which you want to install Windows.
Below that you will also see an another option which says choose the keyboard lay out choose the keyboard layout and after that click on next.
Now you should see a message stating click on install now. Click on install now.
Now  you will get an another screen which says accept the license terms and conditions.
Please accept the license terms and conditions  and then click on next.
Once when you click  on next it will take you to a page where it will give you 2 options upgrade or custom advanced.
Click on custom advanced.
Now you should see the list of partitions available on your computer.
Select the partition where you want to install Windows and then format the partition by choosing drive options and then clicking on format.
When you click on format you will get a warning message stating that what ever data that you got every thing will be erased.
Click on ok.
Note: when you click on format what ever data that you have got on the machine every thing will be erased.
Once the format is completed you will come back to the same screen displaying the partitions.
Now since the partition is formatted select the partition and then click on next.
Windows will start the installation.
And while the installation is going on it will ask you choose the settings like the time zone, computer name, and  user accounts. Go ahead and choose them installation will be completed after that you will be back to your desk top.
That’s it Windows is installed on the computer.
Once Windows is installed go ahead and install the drivers that needs to be installed on your computer.

How to Install Windows 7


from 1bestoftechnologies http://1bestoftechnologies.blogspot.com/2013/12/how-to-install-windows-7.html

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Vs Oracle

SQL 2012 and Oracle are relational database management systems (RDBMS) designed to store, organize, and present large amounts of data in tables. Users should consider their organization’s needs, existing software infrastructure, and technical knowledge when weighing the two platforms. Except for their handling of “Big Data,” SQL 2012 and Oracle offer comparable features, though the preponderance of Microsoft’s Business Intelligence software may make it a more attractive choice for many users.
Oracle’s trump over past SQL incarnations was usually rooted in the former’s ability to analyze and store Big Data. Microsoft’s response was to integrate Hadoop into SQL 2012, thus giving SQL the ability to examine and coherently present overwhelming amounts of unrelated datasets. It should be noted, however, that Hadoop will not be available for SQL 2012 until mid-2012. It remains to be seen whether this integration will meet user expectations for Big Data analysis. Until such time, Oracle has already released their Big Data Appliance featuring Hadoop and Cloudera; users with the immediate need to analyze unstructured massive datasets throughout thousands of networked computers might not want to wait for Hadoop’s integration into SQL 2012.
One simple point to consider is the question of the user’s operating system. SQL 2012 runs only on PCs running Server 2008, Windows 7, or Vista. Oracle’s supported systems are more versatile; these include Linux, Windows, Unix, OS/390, Mac OSX, and OpenVMS. This broad approach, while flexible, also potentially presents a more convoluted installation process than the narrowly-focused SQL 2012.
Microsoft’s hegemony gives SQL 2012 users their entire Business Intelligence (BI) suite. SQL integrates with SharePoint, PowerPivot, Excel, Analysis Services, Integration Services, Master Data Services, and others. The widespread use of these tools makes finding online support relatively simple, as does the singularity of their operating system. Oracle Enterprise Edition (Oracle XE) offers comparable functionality, though if a company or user has already licensed much of Microsoft’s BI software, they may balk at the cost of acquiring another license.
Along with cost, users must consider the type and scope of probable use when choosing between the two platforms. SQL 2012 requires licensing fees on a “per-core” basis. Oracle offers a free version of Oracle XE with some caveats. These limitations include a 4 GB limitation on stored data, a 1 GB cap on Random Access Memory usage, and the free edition will not use more than on Central Processing Unit, even if the host machine contains more. The licensed version of Oracle XE also bases its cost on the “per-core” structure.
Users should consider their operating system, budget, existing BI infrastructure, and Big Data needs before committing to either SQL 2012 or Oracle. From a functionality standpoint, most users will find either to be adequate for their Business Intelligence needs if Microsoft successfully integrates Hadoop into SQL 2012.
For more information about SQL 2012 development, visit Magenic who have been one of the leading software development companies providing innovative custom software development to meet unique business challenges for some of the most recognized companies and organizations in the nation.

Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Vs Oracle

MICROSOFT, Oracle, SQL, Oracle Express

from 1bestoftechnologies http://1bestoftechnologies.blogspot.com/2013/12/microsoft-sql-server-2012-vs-oracle.html