How to get Certification VMWARE VTSP 5.5 (TRAINING – TEST – EXAMs)

VMware Technical Sales Professional 5.5 (VTSP 5.5)


Architecture VMware vSphere :
Gestion de VMware vSphere vCenter Server :
Gestion des machines virtuelles vSphere :
VMware vSphere vNetworks :
VMware vSphere vStorage :

Learn how to position and sell VMware products and solutions to your customers, discuss strengths & benefits of key product technical features and guide customers through product evaluations. Get started with the training below: FREE VMware Technical Sales Professional (VTSP) VTSP is FREE presales focused foundational technical training curriculum that provides partners who are new to selling VMware solutions information and presales technical knowledge to help them engage in the technical sales cycle. VTSP will help participants efficiently install and evaluate VMware products in a learning environment before engaging customers, then qualify customers by providing technical requirements, influencers, and best practices.

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New Year – Time for a New Password

By Christian Goodrich
It’s the start of a new year and the perfect time for a new password.
With cheap graphics cards now readily available, most passwords are vulnerable. Having a long complex password which you change regularly greatly improves your login security.
Password generators are a great method of generating a random secure password for each login profile you create.
Another tip to increase your online security is to reduce your online presence by deleting old accounts you no longer use. Do you still have a MySpace account which hasn’t been visited for months/years? Remember this is a database containing your information, and if you never use the site then you’re unlikely to know that it has been breached.
Additionally, having the same password for everything is never a safe option – if one profile is compromised, it’s only a matter of time before the more important ones are accessed and information is stolen. Different passwords for each site will make it more difficult for cyber criminals to access more of your personal information.
Here are our top tips for password safety:
• Use a mix of upper and lower case characters, numbers, and symbols such as: f9£*Ks29
• The longer the better – a phrase would be best, such as: IL0v3mAnCh35t3rUn1t3dFC. Try to think up a random line like a lyric from a song or a line from a book and formulate a password using the first letter of each word to create a phrase that is easy to remember for you, but difficult for others to guess.
• Change your password regularly. You should change all of your passwords at least twice a year, and make sure you don’t reuse a password for at least 2 years.
• Don’t use dictionary words or obvious passwords such as: password123, 1234, yourname123
• Don’t use dates of birth, initials, names or anything that would be easy to guess from a social media profile such as: John1975
• Try to avoid using real words – nowadays hackers are finding it easier and easier with today’s technology to try every word in the dictionary in a reasonably short space of time. For this reason, it’s far more cryptic to use made-up words to form part of your password.
• Only keep profiles for sites that you are actively using.
• Test your password using an online password checker. These can help you by evaluating the strength of your password automatically to see how easy it is to guess.

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How to Setup Linux VPN Server and Client using OpenVPN

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network.
A Virtual Private Network enables a computer to send and receive data from one private network to another private network which are connected via public network (Internet).
This is helpful for those who are outside the company’s intranet, and like to connect to office network securely to access the internal servers. VPN is also helpful when you are connecting multiple branch offices together.

Even when you are not connecting multiple branch offices together, you can still use VPN setup to allow your employees to connect remotely from their laptop to the datacenter and access the systems.
Sometimes company will buy leased lines to form WAN ( Wide Area Network ), and communicates with its branches. Though Leased line is secure and reliable, it is expensive.
VPN fills the gap by providing a point-to-point virtual connection via public network. A VPN can grow to accommodate more users across different geographical locations easily.

Types of VPN

On a high-level, the following are two types of VPN:
  • Remote Access
  • Site-To-Site
Remote Access is connecting a individual computer to a network via VPN. “Site to Site” is connecting two networks together via VPN.

What is OpenVPN

From OpenVPN man:
OpenVPN is an open source VPN daemon by James Yonan. OpenVPN is a robust and highly flexible VPN daemon. OpenVPN supports SSL/TLS security, ethernet bridging, TCP or UDP tunnel transport through proxies or NAT, support for dynamic IP addresses and DHCP, scalability to hundreds or thousands of users, and portability to most major OS platforms.
This tutorial explains process to setup and configure OpenVPN server and client for Remote Access.

I. Configuring OpenVPN – Server Side

1. Install OpenVPN

Install the openvpn package on both the server and the client machine.
$ sudo apt-get install openvpn
Use the respective package manager of the distribution that you are working. If you are using yum, do the following
$ yum install openvpn

2. Create Directories and set Env Variables

Create a directory inside /etc/openvpn and copy the easy-rsa contents to it. This is done to make sure that changes done to the scripts will not be lost when the package is upgraded. Change the owner as current user so that current user has permission to create files.
$ sudo mkdir /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa

$ sudo cp /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/easy-rsa/2.0/* /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa

$ sudo chown -R $USER /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/
Next, Edit the /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/vars to adjust to your environment.
export KEY_CITY="CHN"
export KEY_ORG="tgs"
export KEY_EMAIL=""

3. Creating the CA – Certificate Authority (Root Certificate)

The next step in building openvpn server is to establish a Public Key Infrastructure so that the server and clients can authenticate one another.
$ cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/

$ source vars

$ ./clean-all

$ ln -s openssl-1.0.0.cnf openssl.cnf

$ ./build-ca

Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
unable to write 'random state'
writing new private key to 'ca.key'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [IN]:
State or Province Name (full name) [TN]:
Locality Name (eg, city) [CHN]:
Organization Name (eg, company) [tgs]:
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) [changeme]:
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) [changeme]:
Name [changeme]:lakshmanan
Email Address [mail@host.domain]
Once ./build-ca is completed, you will see a file named “ca.key” and “ca.crt” inside/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/
Remember that the “.key” files has to be kept confidential.

4. Creating certificate for Server

The next step is to create a certificate for our Openvpn server.
$ /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/build-key-server vpnserver

Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y
Note that vpnserver is the HOSTNAME of the server. This command will take input from the user similar to the previous one. This command will create the certificate and key files for the server.

5. Creating certificate for client

The VPN client will also need certificate to authenticate with server. If you want to configure multiple clients, you need to create certificate for each client separately.
$ ./build-key vpnclient1

Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y
vpnclient1 is the hostname of the client. This command will create the certificate and key files for the client.

6. Create Diffie Hellman parameters

$ ./build-dh
Once all the above steps are successfully completed, you will have many key and certificate files inside /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys.

7. Copy the certificates to respective locations

We have created Root Certificate, Server Certificate and Client Certificate. We need to copy those to appropriate locations.
$ cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/keys/

$ sudo cp ca.crt vpnserver.crt vpnserver.key dh1024.pem /etc/openvpn/

$ scp ca.crt vpnclient1.key vpnclient1.crt root@vpnclient1:/etc/openvpn
Now we have copied the client certificate and key to the client machine. Remember to use a secure medium like scp, while copying the key files.

8. Configuring the Server

OpenVPN provide a default server.conf. You can modify it to suit the needs.
$ sudo cp /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/sample-config-files/server.conf.gz /etc/openvpn/

$ sudo gzip -d /etc/openvpn/server.conf.gz
Edit the “/etc/openvpn/server.conf“.
ca ca.crt
cert vpnserver.crt
key vpnserver.key
dh dh1024.pem
Now start the OpenVPN server:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/openvpn start
* Starting virtual private network daemon(s)...
* Autostarting VPN 'server'

$ ifconfig tun0
tun0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:
By default openVPN will log errors in syslog file.

II. Configuring OpenVPN – Client Side

9. Setup Client Config Files

Now we will configure the openVPN to work as client. Remember that we have already installed the openvpn package in client, and we have “ca.crt”, “vpnclient1.key”, vpnclient1.crt” in/etc/openvpn/
Copy the sample client.conf to /etc/openvpn.
$ sudo cp /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/sample-config-files/client.conf /etc/openvpn/
Edit the /etc/openvpn/client.conf.
# Specify that this is openvpn client

remote vpnserver 1194

ca ca.crt

cert vpnclient1.crt

key vpnclient1.key
Now start the OpenVPN in client
$ /etc/init.d/openvpn start
* Starting virtual private network daemon(s)...
* Autostarting VPN 'client'

$ ifconfig tun0
tun0 Link encap:UNSPEC HWaddr 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00
inet addr: P-t-P: Mask:

10. Test the VPN Setup

Ping the vpnserver from the client machine to see whether VPN is working or not.
$ ping

PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=2.14 ms
If you are able to ping, then you have made the right setup.
Please keep the following in mind:
  1. Make sure that the client and server use same protocol and port number.
  2. Client and server must use same config regarding some parameters like keysize, compression etc…
  3. In case of any problem, increase the log verbosity in the configuration and check the syslog file for troubleshooting.

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NIST Definition of Cloud Computing

Let’s take a step back and look at the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) definition of cloud computing. NIST is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce and works to promote the economy and public welfare by providing technical leadership for measurement and standards infrastructure. Industry expert and blogger Bernard Golden writes for CIO, “I think the National Institute of Standards and Technology has done a great service in codifying its definition [of cloud computing], and I rely on it to communicate the key characteristics of cloud computing — and, more importantly, to draw the distinctions between cloud computing and the traditional IT approach to infrastructure management.”
From the NIST definition of cloud computing, “Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interactive.” NIST provides the following definitions of the essential characteristics and service and deployment models for cloud computing.
Essential Cloud Computing Characteristics:
  • On-demand self-service: consumers can unilaterally provision computing capabilities as needed automatically without requiring human interaction with each service provider.
  • Broad network access: capabilities are available over the network and accessed through standard mechanism that promote use by heterogeneous thin or thick client platforms.
  • Resources pooling: The provider’s computing resources are pooled to serve multiple consumers using a multi-tenant model, with different physical and virtual resources dynamically assigned and reassigned according to consumer demand
  • Rapid elasticity: capabilities can be elastically provisioned and released to scale rapidly outward and inward commensurate with demand.
  • Measured service: cloud systems automatically control and optimize resource use by leveraging a metering capability at some level of abstraction appropriate to the type of service.
Service Models
  • Software as a Service (Saas)
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Deployment Models
  • Private cloud
  • Community cloud
  • Public cloud
  • Hybrid cloud

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Onsite Servers Vs Cloud Servers

Having your own server is beneficial because it provides central storage of data storage and backup . You can purchase your own server, which will serve as your local server. However, the latest trend is cloud computing offers several capabilities.Cloud servers are basically virtual servers or virtual machines running Windows or Linux operating system. These are done through a web interface or API.Cloud servers can be used as well as physical servers are used , but its function may be different. When choosing cloud hosting , customers praise the virtual server space instead of renting or purchasing servers.First physics, will talk about the benefits of having your own server, as shown below:

  • Access on the data is fastest.
  • You can run any application.
  • In case of failure, you can access your local machine.
  • There is no need for Internet connection to access the data.
  • Local security is controlled by you, which means you can safely store the sensitive data.
Disadvantages of local server can be described as follow:
  • Initial Setup is difficult.
  • Maintenance costs can be high.
  • You can access your data from a particular place.

Generally , there are two main options to accommodate what is ” web hosting ” and ” dedicated hosting. Shared hosting Recommend buying servers are shared among clients hosting provider . Customers may place their websites on the same server . But one of the few problems here is that the system is inflexible and can not handle massive traffic . on the other hand , dedicated hosting is much more advanced in which customers purchase physical servers. This means that all server is dedicated to a client and no other fees or access. inability But it is necessary that storage must be provided to manage the level of traffic expected with sufficient processing power . underestimation can lead to problems in the traffic management and will to an overestimation of payment for the wasted storage .

Cloud hosting is the best option to keep in mind the previous cases . Here are the most relevant servers cloud.

  • We can increase and decrease the resources according to our requirement which makes it more flexible
  • Whenever there is more demand on the servers, capacity can be automatically increased and vice-versa.
  • Clients only pay for the capacity being used at a particular time.
  • There is no need of much initial setup.
  • If one server fails, others will take its place.
  • Cloud Servers can be run on a hypervisor which controls the storage of Operating Systems.
  • There are multiple cloud servers in a cloud hosting which are available to its specific client which allows the resource to be dedicated to a specific client whenever required.
  • If any problem occurs in the server, its resource will be shifted to other available server so that clients are unaffected.
  • You can access your data from anywhere.
Nevertheless, Cloud servers have cons too.
  • It’s not easy to change cloud service providers.
  • You cannot use any application that you need to use.
  • Accessing the data depends on the internet connection of own.
  • Cloud provider’s data center stores the data.So Small business should go for cloud for their use as they have flexible yet simple requirements and it’s cost effective too. However, large corporations having complex requirements or sensitive data storage, Local server is the best choice.

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What is cloud computing used for?

Cloud computing is still all the ” rage” , but sometimes you find yourself scratching your head at what cloud computing is used ? Take a step back and review the definitions of cloud computing services :

Software as a Service (SaaS ) is a cloud of low-cost services that comes with a multitude of benefits . Riding the wave of virtualization, SaaS provides IT organizations an alternative to the purchase, construction and maintenance of infrastructure . Not only are SaaS application easier , but the costs are exponentially smaller due to a subscription model . Updates painful software upgrades are a thing of the past because the provider manages upgrades and true multi architecture is infinitely extensible .
Platform as a Service (PaaS ) is the latest service application development . Implement a PaaS enables IT organizations to turn their attention towards development and innovation instead of maintenance of infrastructure . Benefits of a PaaS solution is a low cost , low risk , easy collaboration, minimized operating costs and easy integration with other web services.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS ) is a fully outsourced service infrastructure that can provide many benefits to reduce costs if done the right way . IaaS allows your IT infrastructure to be completely scalable and works with times of high and low technology . As with SaaS and PaaS , IaaS is also a reduction in costs through reduced energy costs , driving efficiency with IT resources , allowing the automation of daily tasks.
An organization must not only ask ” what does cloud computing is used to” , but ” what can I use for cloud computing? ” Where cloud computing is best for your organization and what are the opportunities and challenges would bring? A strategy and long-term vision should be in place before starting any project cloud computing , as well as the participation of all key stakeholders , such as trade and compliance.

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What is a VMware Orchestrator

VMware vCenter Orchestrator allows administrators to develop complex automation tasks, then access and launch workflows from VMware vSphere Client or more triggers quickly.

Easy creation workflow:

Automate complex processes : VMware Orchestrator…
– Design and automate custom workflows, resorts few clicks.

Feed pre-built library work
– Enjoy comprehensive workflow library containing predefined tasks that solve specific problems and perform common administrative actions. You can also use one of the third-party plugins exchanges VMware solutions.

Robust workflow capabilities: VMware Orchestrator…

Scalable performance
– Hundreds or thousands of simultaneous streams running in single or distributed architectures.

Simple version control
– Change management between the different stages of the project by identifying the version history of a vCenter Orchestrator workflow. When necessary, to return the package or earlier.

Check pointing
– Perform the server restarts itself for long-running process without losing the state of workflow and context through the integration of external databases production quality that store critical data.

The script engine
– Creating new building blocks for workflows, as well as other actions and policies, the use of a script engine based on JavaScript, offering basic version control, variable control, namespace management, and management exception.

Policy Engine
– Allow external events to launch appropriate workflows in response to infrastructure failures or status changes.

Integrating REST API
– Allow other applications to run workflows using the REST API.

Advanced Security: VMware Orchestrator…

Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
– Sign and encrypt the content has been imported and exported between servers.

Digital Rights Management (DRM)
– Control how exported content could be displayed, modified and redistributed.

(SSL) Secure Sockets Layer
– Encrypt communications between the desktop client, server and HTTPS access to the web front-end.

Advanced access rights management
– Control access to processes and objects they manage.

Management features powerful: VMware Orchestrator…

Easy installation
– Install a virtual device ready for production or directly on Windows servers.

Centralized access
– Keep the scripts and related primitive process in one place to ensure proper monitoring of changes in the environment and prevent the release of their unversioned.

Integrating cloud-ready
– Automate virtually any task on your cloud with 100 percent coverage of vSphere and vCloud Director API. Integration with other solutions such as VMware vCloud Director, vCenter Update Manager, vCenter Chargeback Manager and vCenter Configuration Manager.

Open and flexible architecture: VMware Orchestrator…

Hundreds of workflows out of the box
– Accelerate and reduce the cost of providing IT services across the organization.

Third party plug-ins
– Access latest plug-ins built by VMware and its partners in Vmware management market deck.

Development of plug-in
– Use vCenter Orchestrator Plug-In Software Kit to create custom plug-ins for the development of third-party management systems.

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Windows XP could lose updates to antivirus Security Essentials after April 2014

“Microsoft does not guarantee changes to our antimalware engine and signature after the end date of support XP April 8, 2014,” a Microsoft spokesperson told ZDNet blogger, Larry Seltzer, a word declaration later repeated word in an email Computerworld….Microsoft Security Essentials .

“Running antivirus in supporting the operating system is not an adequate solution to help protect against threats. Executing a well-protected solution begins with the use of modern software and hardware designed to help protect against the threat landscape today, “he said….Microsoft Security Essentials .

“In addition, Microsoft recommends best practices to protect your PC, such as:
1) the date antivirus running
2) application of regular security updates for all installed software, and
3) the use of modern software has advanced security technologies and support regular security updates. “

The comment about the “modern software” RSA Europe sound presentation last week at the latest Security Intelligence Report (SIR) of Microsoft, which drew attention to systems of higher infection rates malware Later versions of XP OS….Microsoft Security Essentials .

SIR showed that XP has detected a third more than the malware Windows 8, but was infected five times the rate, a gap that highlights their vulnerability. The message is very clear, as to Microsoft, XP is no longer considered safe by the highest standards of today.

The irony is small updates retires MSE, Microsoft OS will be less secure until users provide an alternative. Or is it just being a responsible supplier? For now, at least, XP users have plenty to choose other antivirus clients….Microsoft Security Essentials .

A little good news is that Google plans to continue supporting its Chrome browser 32-bit XP at least until April 2015.

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vSphere Hypervisor ESXi

Summary of Features:

VMware vSphere 5.5 is the latest version of the VMware virtualization platform Faro. VMware vSphere, often called “VMware ESXi”, the name of the underlying hypervisor architecture is a type of hypervisor “bare-metal” that installs directly on the physical server into multiple partitions and virtual machines. All virtual machines share the same physical resources and can run simultaneously. Unlike other hypervisors, all management functions are performed through vSphere remote management tools. In the absence of the underlying operating system, the footprint of the facility falls below 150 MB

The reliability and enhanced security:

The VMware ESXi hypervisor architecture is no longer based on a console management services to the command line. Moving the management features of the VMkernel, VMware vSphere Hypervisor VMware ESXi has reduced its total size of 2 GB to 150 MB with reduced area of ​​malware and network threats of attack, your vSphere environment much safer and more reliable…. vSphere Hypervisor ESXi.

Simplified deployment and configuration:

The VMware ESXi, easy to deploy and configure, easy to maintain a consistent virtual infrastructure with its limited number of settings architecture….vSphere Hypervisor ESXi.

Time management system reduction:

VMware vSphere ESXi uses an agentless method for monitoring equipment and system management through a model-based partner integration API. Administration tasks are deported on the remote control under vCLI (vSphere Command Line Interface) and PowerCLI. PowerCLI uses Windows PowerShell cmdlets and scripts to automate the process….vSphere Hypervisor ESXi.

Correction and update simplifies hypervisor:

In a smaller footprint, which consists of a limited number of components, ESXi requires fewer patches than its predecessor VMware ESX. Less windows patches translates shorter and less frequent maintenance. Throughout his life, VMware ESXi requires about 10 times less than patches ESX service console….vSphere Hypervisor ESXi.

Technical Details :

Strengthening of security:

Using VMware ESXi Shell no longer causes dependence to a shared root account. Local users who received administrative privileges are automatically granted full access to the deck, no need to login as root to execute commands as root….vSphere Hypervisor ESXi.

Newspapers and comprehensive audits:

vSphere 5.5 logs all user activity and Shell user interface with the user account of the direct console. This register ensures accountability and facilitates user activity audit….vSphere Hypervisor ESXi.

Improve VMware vMotion:

Migration of virtual machines allows vMotion and Storage vMotion to combine in a single operation. For small installations of virtual infrastructure, combined VMotion migration means that all virtual machine (memory, CPU, and disk) moves from one host to another. In larger environments, vMotion allows greater heat migrate entire virtual machines from one group to another, even if they do not share storage….vSphere Hypervisor ESXi.

New virtual hardware:

vSphere 5.5 introduces a new generation of virtual hardware to version 10 of the hardware virtual machine that provides the following functions:

– Virtual machines can now support up to 64 virtual CPUs.
– Virtual machines can support up to 1 TB of RAM.
– The new AHCI (Advanced Host Controller Interface) supports up to 120 devices per virtual machine.
– The maximum size of virtual machine disk increased to 62 TB
– The storage of client recovery function causes the operating system disk space storage pool launched on the client OS.
– Improved CPU virtualization through exposure to more information on the host CPU architecture for virtual machines. This allows better exposure of debugging the CPU, improve and more easily troubleshoot operating systems and applications in virtual machine systems.

Integrating Active Directory:

VSphere hosts can attach to your Active Directory. Once added, manage Active Directory user authentication and avoids having to create user accounts on each host….vSphere Hypervisor ESXi.

The centralized management of host image and configuration via Auto Deploy
vSphere Auto Deploy combines features of host profiles, Image Builder and PXE to simplify the installation and upgrade of the hosts. Auto Deploy Library centralizes all vSphere host images. Administrators can initiate automatic provisioning of new hosts based on user-defined rules, the reconstruction of a host is as simple as a reboot….vSphere Hypervisor ESXi.

Stateless Firewall:

VMware ESXi vSphere now includes a stateless firewall, service-oriented, you can configure using the vSphere Client or the command line, through VMware esxcli. This prevents new firewall using iptables and allows administrators to define rules of access to port services. In addition, you can specify the IP address ranges or individual IP addresses that can connect to the host of services….vSphere Hypervisor ESXi.

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