What is cloud computing used for?

Cloud computing is still all the ” rage” , but sometimes you find yourself scratching your head at what cloud computing is used ? Take a step back and review the definitions of cloud computing services :

Software as a Service (SaaS ) is a cloud of low-cost services that comes with a multitude of benefits . Riding the wave of virtualization, SaaS provides IT organizations an alternative to the purchase, construction and maintenance of infrastructure . Not only are SaaS application easier , but the costs are exponentially smaller due to a subscription model . Updates painful software upgrades are a thing of the past because the provider manages upgrades and true multi architecture is infinitely extensible .
Platform as a Service (PaaS ) is the latest service application development . Implement a PaaS enables IT organizations to turn their attention towards development and innovation instead of maintenance of infrastructure . Benefits of a PaaS solution is a low cost , low risk , easy collaboration, minimized operating costs and easy integration with other web services.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS ) is a fully outsourced service infrastructure that can provide many benefits to reduce costs if done the right way . IaaS allows your IT infrastructure to be completely scalable and works with times of high and low technology . As with SaaS and PaaS , IaaS is also a reduction in costs through reduced energy costs , driving efficiency with IT resources , allowing the automation of daily tasks.
An organization must not only ask ” what does cloud computing is used to” , but ” what can I use for cloud computing? ” Where cloud computing is best for your organization and what are the opportunities and challenges would bring? A strategy and long-term vision should be in place before starting any project cloud computing , as well as the participation of all key stakeholders , such as trade and compliance.

from Blogger http://ss-info-tech.blogspot.com/2014/01/what-is-cloud-computing-used-for.html